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What is Sound Channeling?

Writer: Michelle DesPresMichelle DesPres

<img class="alignright size-medium wp-image-2690 lazyload" alt="104804989_5edc131b9c" src="" width="300" height="199" />If you have never experienced sound healing before, you are in for a treat. Joy Hansen is a Sound Channelor. She brings forth a celestial language that is meant to ignite your personal healing and freedom.  I have had the pleasure of listening to Joy sing on several occasions. The healing I have found has allowed me to let go of my false identities facilitating my ability to fully live my authentic expression as well as aiding me in letting go of lofty or unrealistic expectations bringing me into more harmony and balance with the people and situations in my life.

This sound healing was taped at Bas Bleu Theatre on July 29, 2013 in conjunction with an event I hosted called Insight Night with Spirit.

Enjoy – Michelle DesPres

Sound Channeling by Joy Hansen – Introduction by Michelle DesPres

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